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How To Save Money on Your AC Bill

By September 13, 2018HVAC Tips

The thermostat isn’t a magic box, however, many respond to their energy bill with shock and wonder.

A few simple tactics will lower your energy bill and increase the air conditioner’s efficiency. An efficiently running air conditioner has a constant temperature, relative to it’s setting, and saves money. Moreover, a reduction in energy consumption is good for the environment.

One of the easiest ways to reduce energy consumption is to set the thermostat to a higher temperature. With a lessened workload, the air conditioner consumes fewer kilowatt hours of energy. However, most people don’t want to sacrifice comfort, especially during South Carolina’s dog days of Summer.

Keeping your vents clean of debris greatly increases an air conditioning unit’s efficiency and lowers energy bills — and opening vents allows for airflow. Keep the vents open and clean is a good way to increase efficiency and save money. When airflow is restricted the air conditioning unit must work twice as hard to cool the house.

It’s important to change your air conditioner’s filters. It’s suggested to replace filters monthly. Dirty filters reduce the unit’s ability to run efficiently and dirty filters will circulate polluted air — causing allergies to be released indoors. Filters aren’t expensive and can be purchased in bulk.

For those who know about HVAC, these tactics are basic, however, most people don’t think of these simple ways to save money and increase the air conditioner’s efficiency. Moreover, routine maintenance, such as replacing air filters, eases the air conditioner unit’s workload and keeps household air free from pollution.